It's purpose is to demonstrate to me how things can go in my life.
As well, by writing this little story, I am describing how I want my life to be.
It helps me focus, and brings things that are similar to 'that-which-I-desire' into my awareness.
For example, when someone buys a new car with yellow stripes on it, they will tend to notice other cars with yellow stripes more often.
Therefore, it is a good idea for this story to be aligned with my goals.
In fact, this is an excellent tool for setting and attaining goals.
In business, engineering, and government planning, it is essential to create a detailed description of organizational goals. During this phase of planning it is important to consider each step of the new process or project.
Personal life is a bit different from business, et al.
Personal life is more of an artform for many people. We tend to make choices as they come up. We do less planning than organizations do.
Yet we still come up with goals. Perhaps we set the goal of having dinner. We might set a goal of starting a career.
In each case, to draft a story around that goal expresses to ourselves - and perhaps others - much insight about that goal.
- It describes what we desire to come into being.
- The story helps us to focus our attention on things related to that goal.
- In rare, extremely emotional cases, it can show us that this goal is even conceivably possible!
- In doing this, we self-discover what that goal will probably look like, in practice in our lives.
- It will become apparent how that goal fits into our lives, and in others' lives; how it will affect things.
- Also apparent will be how our lives - or we ourselves - must change to accomodate that goal.
- We will also self-discover how we will most likely feel about the realization of that goal.*
Hopefully, the person doing the planning is in 'heart-balance' while writing the story.
'Heart Balance' refers to a state of calm regarding the goal.
Perhaps there is dire need involved, or extreme yearning; in some way intense emotion might be associated with the goal.
This needs to be cleared first, or it will carry over into the goal-setting, and will be reflected in whatever results are produced.
To acheive this, some meditative activity might be essential. Perhaps some understanding must be gained first. Each situation has it's own details to consider. For the most part, such things are rarely an issue. In a few cases, big emotions or unclear understanding become a huge factor, interfering with the actualization of goals in the most obstinate ways.
More information about that is available in the learning material / coursework I offer.
What happens next in this process can be mind-blowing regarding it's effectiveness.
Like the yellow-striped car example, things will very likely begin to appear in some amazing - or mundane - ways.
- You finish imagining the story, when you suddenly realize it has already come true, and it's in the next room now.
- Cars exactly like the one you wanted just yesterday might start parking in front of your home.
- Someone might point out that you already have a juicer, in the form of your blender.
- Someone might realize they don't actually need or want the thing they had been planning for.
- Some totally other life-path might come up, which totally replaces every need for that goal, and is way better.
- A series of increasingly 'on-target' results might come into being. You get to choose which one to hold onto.
- That which is the goal shows up, by almost impossible coincidence, at exactly the right time, in exactly the right way.
Any number of things - or nothing at all - might come from such visualization.
The key of it is that we need our whole-hearted self to be present and on-board with the goal being visualized.
That means our conscious awareness, all the good or bad memories we have blocked out, our raging or squashed feelings, who we love or fear, and things like that. Yes, it all comes into play in this process. Again, it is good to be at peace about the subject at hand, and in most cases it's easy to do.
Have faith that this process is almost always quite easy to do. Most of the time there is no inner hidden stuff to worry about.
One more note: The story does not have to be as detailed as I will write this one.
The key feature of such a story, though, is to get the full emotion of it.
For various reasons, that is the most important part of this process. To get the emotion of it going.
Also, the specific details can be seen as examples. In this story, I use the name 'Michele' for a coworker. The actual coworker who shows up in the future might be named Michael or Shelly. Or, there might truly end up being a coworker named Michele who is exactly like the imagined person in this story. Hindsight will tell us how this plays out.
Again, more on that is available in my coursework.
All that being said, I shall get onward to my visualization story.
Yes, this is real in my life right now. Yes, this is about goals I have which I do bring up strong feelings of both fear and hope.
It has to do with my emergence from a few years of chrysalis, of affecting extreme changes to my whole self.
At this time, I am very different from before in body, mind, and spirit. This puts me into very new circles of people, too.
Hence, I feel nervous about going forward into what seems like a whole new world.
I must learn about my new self, the new world, and how all that fits together in practice.
This story has the purpose of helping me to 'see' what is ahead, to steer the 'car' of my beingness along the roads of opportunity.
At night. Total darkness. No map. No guide. Headlights peer a few inches into the fog of unknowing.
Here Goes Sumpthin'! VaROOOM!
A Day in a New Line of Work
The sky holds a perfect mix of sunshine and puff-ball clouds as I approach the door to my new workplace. Flowers have sent their fragrances aloft on a gentle breeze, sharing natural beauty with all the world.
Opening the door, the sound of people laughing streams forth. Inside the building it is pleasantly cool and fresh. There is a comfortable aire about the place, relaxing the newcomer, inviting all to become part of the 'family'.
A woman is saying "Good Morning, Sharon! How's things?!"
Not sure I recall her name. Oh yeah; Beth. "Hi Beth! Pretty good; thanks. Glad to be here! How are you?'
"I'm good. The boss said to have you talk with her when you get in. Don't worry... It's about something good."
"Okay. Thanks, Beth. Talk with you at break time." I wonder what our supervisor, Shelly, is going to say.
On the way to the boss' office, Michele says hi. (I remember her name!) I like her. It's likely we will be friends.
In her office, Shelly is all business. "Sharon, you've been here a short time. But going by your experience, I think you might be interested in another opportunity within our company. One of the group leaders had a family emergency and had to relocate to another city. That left us with an opening that you might find interesting. Here's the job description. Have a look at it, please."
Yep It's a job description. On the one hand, it's completely new to me. I've never done this kind of work before. On the other hand, I could see where I have all the bits-and-pieces of experience to find my way around on this one. Actually, the more I think about it, the easier this looks. "I believe I can do this, Shelly. In fact, it looks to be something I'd enjoy very much. But why me? There must be others with more experience here."
Shelly looked straight into my eyes and said, "Two things. One: There is a twist to this job, and most of our current employees don't have the skills needed for that one task. You have those skills, Sharon. The other thing is that no one else wants that job. Believe me, I've asked. The thing is that these folks all have other goals in life. This is just a job for them. I realize that this job is just a stepping-stone for you while you get your college degree. Even still, I am urging you to consider this opportunity, Sharon."
Hmm. I weighed it out for a moment, silently. Then, "Well, Shelly, this looks like a good fit, actually. Not much more hours, the responsibility is something I've carried before, and the overall work is something I'm interested in. Actually, I can see where my skill would fit, even though the application of it is new to me. Will there be any training?"
"Of course there will. We can talk about that later. Right now I need to be able to tell the big-wigs if we need to look outside our company or not. Think about it overnight, and let me know tomorrow, please."
"It's all good, Shelly. I can answer that right now. Yes. I am interested."
"Excellent! Here's the deal then. My boss will need to talk with you about the position. I'll let her know your answer. Please continue to do the work you have been doing, with Beth and the gang. We will let you know the nest step later today. Okay?"
"Okay! Gosh, thank you, Shelly!"
Looking outside through the window, I see a perfect puffball cloud meandering slowly across the sunny sky.
Life is Good! :-)
As I began writing, the only thing I intended was to write about having a pleasant day at work.Somehow the story went it's own way, so to speak. The twist about the new position came up as I was writing.
This shows me some feelings I have about what level of responsibility I desire. That had not been so apparent beforehand, but now that I am aware of those feelings, I notice they are strong indeed.
What I did know in advance was that I desire to work with friendly, nice people. I desire to gain friendships and acquaintances.
This is me, expressing my heart's desire regarding employment. I myself am the primary audience for this story.
Yet... Somehow the Universe 'hears' the stories we create this way. Somehow things come around after defining our goals this way.
Hmm. Fascinating, that.